
Категория: Виды шмелей
Отправил: Николай Шмелев


Bombus sibiricus (Fabricius)
fibirica [sibirica] (Fabricius, 1781:478 [Apis]) examined
flaviventris Friese, 1905:514, examined
ochrobasis Richards, 1930:655, examined
nikiforuki Tkalcu, 1961b:354, examined

COMMENT: B. flaviventris has long been placed in the subgenus Subterraneobombus (e.g. Skorikov, 1922a; Richards, 1930, 1968), although the characters of the females (Williams, 1991 [pdf]) and the males agree with the species of the subgenus Sibiricobombus.

Oriental, Palaearctic Regions.

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