aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus perezi (Schulthess-Rechberg)
perezi (Schulthess-Rechberg, 1886:275 [Psithyrus])

DISTRIBUTION: Palaearctic Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus tibetanus (Morawitz)
tibetanus (Morawitz, 1887:202 [Apathus]) examined
latefasciatus (Friese, 1931:304 [Psithyrus]) examined

DISTRIBUTION: Oriental Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus turneri (Richards)
turneri (Richards, 1929a:141 [Psithyrus]) examined
decoomani (Maa, 1948:26 [Psithyrus]) examined
martensi (Tkalcu, 1974b:314 [Psithyrus]) examined

TAXONOMIC STATUS: Several of these nominal taxa have been treated as separate species. However, aside from differences in colour pattern, they are closely similar in morphology. Until more evidence to the contrary is available from critical studies of patterns of variation, I shall treat them as parts of a single variable species.

DISTRIBUTION: Oriental Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus abnormis (Tkalcu)
abnormis (Tkalcu, 1968a:33 [Pyrobombus]) examined

DISTRIBUTION: Oriental Region.

aerograf ( 10/08/2017 )

Bombus ardens Smith
ardens Smith, 1879:133, examined
andreae Friese, 1910:405, examined

DISTRIBUTION: Oriental, Japanese, Palaearctic Regions.


The bumblebee, Bombus ardens, is a valuable natural resource, and is most notably utilized for greenhouse pollination. In order to gain a greater understanding of the population genetic structure and the genetic diversity of this species, we sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial COI gene corresponding to the “DNA Barcode” region (658 bp) from 160 individuals collected over 15 Korean localities. Uncorrected pairwise distances among the eight haplotypes suggested low intraspecific genetic diversity, with a maximum sequence divergence of 0.3%. Such a low level of intraspecific genetic diversity was further reflected in local populations, particularly to islet populations, such as those of Youngheungdo, Jakyakdo, and Ulleugdo, which had zero genetic diversity. Geographically, one haplotype (BARBA01) was widespread and dominant, with a frequency of 90.6% (145 among 160 individuals). Other haplotypes were restricted to one to three localities and had low frequency. Overall, a very high rate of per generation female migration ratio (Nm = 4.6 to infinite) and a very low level of genetic fixation (FST = 0 to 0.099) were detected between pairs of localities, suggesting that the B. ardens populations on the Korean peninsula are panmictic, which is consistent with our understanding of their dispersal capability.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus avanus (Skorikov)
avanus (Skorikov, 1938b:2 [Pratibombus])

DISTRIBUTION: Oriental Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus beaticola (Tkalcu)
beaticola (Tkalcu, 1968a:28 [Pyrobombus]) examined

DISTRIBUTION: Japanese Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus bifarius Cresson
bifarius Cresson, 1878:185
andamanus Gribodo, 1882:268, examined
fernaldi Franklin, 1911:157, not a replacement name

W Nearctic Region.

aerograf ( 12/20/2017 )

Шмель модестус, или шмель скромный - Bombus modestus Eversmann, 1852

Отряд Перепончатокрылые — Hymenoptera

Семейство Пчелиные — Apidae

Категория 3

Статус был внесен в Красную книгу СССР. Редкий с сокращающейся численностью вид Красноярского края

Распространение Широко распространенный слабоизученный палеарктичес-кий вид. В основном известен из Восточной Сибири, Дальнего Востока, из центральных и отчасти северных районов европейской части страны. Для Красноярского края известен только в двух точках: в районе Красноярска и близ южной границы края.

Места обитания и образ жизни Не выявлены. Известно, что этот шмель встречается на растениях семейства норичниковых.

Численность и лимитирующие факторы Для Красноярского края сведений нет. В других регионах, таких как Поволжье, сократилась в несколько раз.

Принятые и необходимые меры охраны Специальные меры охраны не разработаны

Источники информации 1. Кочетова, Акимушкина, Дыхнов, 1986; 2. Панфилов, Кочетова, Акимушкина, 1984; 3. Сысолетина, 1976; 4. Сысолетина, 1977.


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus bimaculatus Cresson
bimaculatus Cresson, 1863:92

DISTRIBUTION: E Nearctic Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus biroi Vogt
biroï [biroi] Vogt, 1911:51, examined
nursei Friese, 1918:84, examined

DISTRIBUTION: Palaearctic, Oriental Regions.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus brodmannicus Vogt
Brodmannicus Vogt, 1909:49, examined

DISTRIBUTION: Palaearctic Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus caliginosus (Frison)
caliginosus (Frison, 1927:376 [Bremus]) examined

DISTRIBUTION: W Nearctic Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus centralis Cresson
centralis Cresson, 1864:41

DISTRIBUTION: W Nearctic Region.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus cingulatus Wahlberg
cingulatus Wahlberg, 1854:208

TAXONOMIC STATUS: See comments on B. oceanicus.

DISTRIBUTION: Palaearctic Region, Arctic border.

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