aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus formosellus is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1934 door Frison

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus fernaldae
Global Range
: (>2,500,000 square km (greater than 1,000,000 square miles)) Roughly Alaska across much of western Canada south in the mountains to about Colorado,and into California (mostly northern coast and Sierra Nevada). The range becomes more narrowly distributed latitudinally east of the Rockies but east through extreme northern Vermont (one in 1936) to the Maritimes and coastal Maine; also Pennsylvania south in the mountains to Tennessee.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus maxillosus is a species of cuckoo bumblebee found in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland

aerograf ( 12/20/2017 )

Шмель млокосевича - Bombus mlokosevitschi (mlokosievitzii) Rad., 1884

Закавказский эндемик.

Распространение. Гянджинский, Кахский, Огузский, Кусарский районы, Нахичеванская АР, Талыш. Места обитания. Субальпийское и альпийское разнотравье.

Численность. Очень редко встречающийся вид.

Причины изменения численности. Разорение гнезд, уменьшение площадей с цветущей растительностью.

Необходимые меры охраны.  Запрет отлова шмелей и уничтожение их гнезд, сохранение участков с цветущей растительностью.

Источники информации. Красная книга Азербайджанской ССР, 1989.,


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus skorikovi is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1927 door Popov

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Scientific Name:

 Bombus suckleyi
Species Authority: Greene, 1860
Common Name(s):
English Suckley Cuckoo Bumble Bee
Psithyrus suckleyi
Taxonomic Source(s): Greene, J.W. 1860. XXI. Review of the American Bombidae, together with a description of several species heretofore undescribed, being a synopsis of this family of Hymenopterous insects thus far known to inhabit North America. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7: 168-176.
aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus wilmattae is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1912 door Cockerell

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus tschitscherini är en biart som beskrevs av Radoszkowski 1860. Den ingår i släktet humlor och familjen långtungebin. Inga underarter finns listade.

aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus atratus is a neotropical bumblebee that is found throughout regions of South America, including Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Argentina. It lives in social colonies that include a founder queen/queens, workers and brood. B. atratus is somewhat unique because of its potential to oscillate between polygynous (multiple queens) and monogynous (one queen) nesting cycles. Bombus atratus was the first species in the genus Bombus that was discovered to display such polygynous nesting patterns. The polygynous nesting cycles lead to certain specific types of behavior including queen-queen aggression. Nests can also be perennial, which is a characteristic rarely found in other bumblebees. B. atratus can be helpful agriculturally because of their ability to pollinate different species of plants.B. atratus has been found to occupy a range of geographic areas and climates throughout South America. Colonies have the ability to thermoregulate nests and keep them a little bit warmer than the outside environment. Foraging workers use muscle contractions to maintain stable temperatures and coupe with seasonal and daily fluctuations in temperature.

aerograf ( 10/08/2017 )

Bombus ashtoni is a species of cuckoo bumblebee. This means that it parasitizes closely related species such as Bombus affinis, Bombus terricola, and Bombus fervidus by residing in the nests of these bumblebees and tricking the bees into providing resources such as food for them


Ashton Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus ashtoni) is an obligate social parasite of B. terricola and B. affinis exclusively. The
female invades her host’s nest, and if successful, is able to monopolize the existing reproductive biology of the host. This
once widespread and fairly common cuckoo bumble bee has become rare in the lower U.S. since the 1990s. NatureServe
(2013) reported that populations declined by up to 99% since the late 1990s. Colla et al. (2012) compared 50km2 blocks
from across its range that were occupied anytime from 1864-1990 with data from 1990-2009 and found that the species
only persisted in fewer than 35% of the blocks. Previously, B. ashtoni appears to have been a rare, but widespread,
member of the Vermont bee fauna. Regional data and modeling suggest that it was probably found throughout the entire
state. The last known B. ashtoni records for Vermont were three males collected in July 1999 at the Ethan Allen Firing
Range in Jericho.
Recent severe population declines of B. affinis and B. terricola have likely caused the parallel reduction in B. ashtoni
populations. One host, B. terricola, became very rare in Vermont in the late 1990s and has only recently begun to show
signs of a modest population rebound (VCE unpub. data). The second host, B. affinis, was last found in Vermont in 1999.
Recent records from New Hampshire and Quebec provide hope that B. ashtoni may reappear in Vermont if B.
terricola continues to persist and recover in the region.
aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Ареал Bombus sylvarum (Linnaeus, 1761) в Западной Сибири

Евразиатский энтомологический журнал. T. 9. Вып. 3. С. 506–507.

Бывальцев А.М. 2010.


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Население и экология шмелей Прииртышской степи в раннелетний период (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombus)

Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: Биология, клиническая медицина. Т. 11. Вып. 1. С. 40–46.

Бывальцев А.М., Белова К.А., Проскурякова А.А. 2013.


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Unveiling cryptic species of the bumblebee subgenus Bombus s. str. worldwide with COI barcodes (Hymenoptera: Apidae

Systematics and Biodiversity. Vol. 10, Iss. 1. P. 21-56.

Williams P.H., Brown M. J.F., Carolan J.C., An J., Goulson D., A. Aytekin M., Best L.R., Byvaltsev A.M., Cederberg B., Dawson R., Huang J., Ito M., Monfared A., Raina R.H., Schmid-Hempel P., Sheffield C.S., Šima P., Xie Z. 2012.


aerograf ( 07/02/2017 )

Bombus cullumanus – an extinct European bumblebee species?

Apidologie. Vol. 44. P. 121–132.

Williams P.H, Byvaltsev A., Sheffield C., Rasmont P. 2013.


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